 Installation view, clockwise from left: Erin Morrison, Kricket Lane, Lindsay Preston-Zappas, Erica Mahinay.
 Installation view, clockwise from left: Molly Jo Shea, Alice Lang.
 Rachelle Rojany
 Installation view from left: Rachelle Rojany, Pilar Tena.
 Installation view, clockwise from left: Rachelle Rojany, Becca Lofchie, Emily Sudd.
 Installation view, clockwise from left: Becca Lofchie, Emily Sudd.

Amy Garofano, Kricket Lane, Alice Lang, Becca Lofchie, Erica Mahinay, Erin Morrison, Lindsay Preston Zappas, Rachelle Rojany, Rachelle Sawatsky, Molly Jo Shea, Emily Sudd, and Pilar Tena

March 28 - April 12, 2015
Hammock Gallery

Installation view, clockwise from left: Amy Garofano, Kricket Lane, Erica Mahinay, Alice Lang, and Rachelle Sawatsky. Center: Lindsay Preston-Zappas.

 Installation view, clockwise from left: Erin Morrison, Kricket Lane, Lindsay Preston-Zappas, Erica Mahinay.

Installation view, clockwise from left: Erin Morrison, Kricket Lane, Lindsay Preston-Zappas, Erica Mahinay.

 Installation view, clockwise from left: Molly Jo Shea, Alice Lang.

Installation view, clockwise from left: Molly Jo Shea, Alice Lang.

 Rachelle Rojany

Rachelle Rojany

 Installation view from left: Rachelle Rojany, Pilar Tena.

Installation view from left: Rachelle Rojany, Pilar Tena.

 Installation view, clockwise from left: Rachelle Rojany, Becca Lofchie, Emily Sudd.

Installation view, clockwise from left: Rachelle Rojany, Becca Lofchie, Emily Sudd.

 Installation view, clockwise from left: Becca Lofchie, Emily Sudd.

Installation view, clockwise from left: Becca Lofchie, Emily Sudd.